The reports provided below include itemized monthly expenses reimbursed to PGCB Board members and employees of the PGCB, Department of Revenue, Pennsylvania State Police, and Office of Attorney General. These reports are provided pursuant to the requirements of Act 1 of 2010 §1211(a.3), which specifically states:
"...the board shall post within 45 days after the end of each month on its Internet website a list of all the itemized expenses of employees and members for that month that were or are to be reimbursed from the assessments made by the department under section 1402(a) (relating to gross terminal revenue deductions) and all itemized expenses of employees of the department and the Office of Attorney General and troopers and employees of the Pennsylvania State Police for the preceding month that were or are to be reimbursed from such assessments. The list shall identify the nature of the expense, the employee, member or the agency and employee of the agency to which an expense is attributable. If the expense is directly attributable to or paid by a licensed gaming entity, the list shall identify the licensed gaming entity and if the expense was charged to the licensed gaming entity."
Consistent with the requirements, the reports include separate columns indicating the gaming entity to which the expense is directly attributable and whether that entity was charged for the related expense. The PGCB charges direct expenses to gaming entities for activities related to the Gaming Lab (Act 1 of 2004 §1320) or an investigation or proceeding of the Board (Act 1 of 2004 §1208). Expenses unrelated to these activities are not directly charged to a specific entity.
Expenses on the reports are itemized by transaction number. One transaction number may be listed repeatedly. This occurs due to multiple expenses on the same transaction (e.g., an overnight trip including expenses for lodging, subsistence, gasoline, etc.) and/or attributing the expense(s) to multiple gaming entities.
The nature of expense column details expenses by category according to Commonwealth accounting descriptions such as "Lodging", "Subsistence", or "Mileage". Please note, the "Travel Other" description includes baggage handling tips, tolls, Commonwealth travel agency fees, parking charges, business telephone calls, and other miscellaneous items.